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nformation technology is blurring the distinction between in- and out-of-classroom learning. With network connections at every seat, the student may be learning "out of the classroom" while sitting in a classroom. For management students this is especially important because they can form connections to real businesses, real business data and real business executives very early in their careers.
Almost all business schools have computing labs and classrooms specifically designed for use of technology. Their Web pages describe these in an attempt to attract new students with the lure of well-equipped facilities and services. For many institutions, however, all classrooms are becoming technology classrooms, and docking stations are replacing desktop units as student ownership of computers is either required or strongly encouraged (the University of California at Irvine provides a $1,000 subsidy to students who purchase the standard laptop). The goal of anytime/anywhere teaching and learning means that any space is a learning space. Because students cannot afford high-powered graphics workstations, extensive software libraries, expensive peripherals and video conferencing equipment, however, specialized labs will still be important.
Estoy muy contenta, saque 18 en ingles. Gracias a Dios y a su amor...